Hey! Whats up there? So this is my another assignment for my writing class. You can know what my assignment is just by read at this post's tittle. Yup! It is to find some grammar nazi. Let's just check my grammar nazi's victims below :
I got this one from one of 9gag's post comment column. fort.accountx should write "Like this comment if you're not following me..." Punctuation is important, because I revise my previous assignment because of punctuation. :)
This one is also from 9gag's comment column. It's should be "How I feel when I change my stretchy skinny into another skinny jeans" with capitalized "I" and put "in to" together to be "into".

This one also from 9gag comment column. He should write "Is this you?". At first I thought that it was a typo, but then I look into my keyboard phone and found that letter "t" and "s" aren't located so close. So I conclude that it wasn't a typo.
Okay this one is from 9gag too. It should be "I'll just finish the job myself lol". Once again punctuation is important. Without it we can trap into missunderstanding issues.
And the last is from Cika's post. She's one of my close friend in class. She should write "Those children are so cuteeee lol". Because her pict show more than 1 kid, and she forgot to use a to be before adjective.
Okay, those are all my grammar nazi's victims. CMIIW by leave a comment below. See you!
Nice post! Maybe the sentence "Whats up there?" you should write "What's up there?" Thank you :)
BalasHapusA little correction. The sentence "It is to find some grammar nazi" is incorrect. It should be "It is to find some grammar mistakes". Because you ARE the Grammar Nazi here.